TORONTO — Unionized safety inspectors employed by the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) in Ontario ratified their first collective agreement Oct. 8, ending their 11-week strike.

The 170 inspectors are members of OPSEU/SEFPO Local 546. The strike began July 11.

The workers inspect a range of technical equipment including boilers and pressure vessels in schools and hospitals, elevators in residential and commercial buildings, amusement installations and propane dispensing facilities.

“We joined OPSEU/SEFPO to address longstanding workplace issues and gain a stronger voice for public safety at the TSSA,” stated union bargaining team member Cory Knipe. “Ratifying our first collective agreement, one that we can build on for years to come, is a very special moment for us. It means we can get back to the work we love, keeping Ontario safe.”

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The TSSA also issued a statement.

“I would like to thank our negotiating team who worked tirelessly for months to achieve an agreement, our regulated clients for their patience during this disruption and all our employees who remain focused on delivering our safety mandate. I am looking forward to welcoming our inspectors back so we can deliver safety in Ontario as one team,” said Bonnie Rose, TSSA president and CEO.

The inspectors joined OPSEU last year.

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What does TSSA mean?

Technical Standards and Safety Authority The Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) promotes and enforces public safety.