ONTARIO—After being on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (MLTSD) recently announced the workplace inspection blitzes planned for 2022-2023.
According to a post from Workplace Safety North (WSN), the two compliance initiatives that apply to all workplace sectors in Ontario focus on two high-risk areas. The first risk is being struck by vehicles, mobile equipment, objects, or machinery. These types of injuries are often serious or fatal. The second risk, which is even more relevant since COVID-19, is occupational disease.
Until June 30 the ministry will focus on high-risk traumatic hazards, specifically “struck-by” hazards, including being struck by objects, machinery, motor vehicles and mobile equipment. The education, outreach, and awareness phase will take place until June, with compliance support from all health and safety associations, including WSN. The inspection blitz across Ontario began May 1 and will run through to June 26.
From October to December, the ministry’s focus will be on occupational disease. Education, outreach and awareness occurs from Oct. 3 to Dec. 30. The blitz sees focused inspections across Ontario from Oct. 31 to Dec. 28.
Other compliance initiatives include:
Industrial compliance initiatives related to forest products sector
May – Temporary help agencies: Education, outreach, awareness phase is May 2 to Aug. 31, with compliance support from Public Services Health and Safety Association, Workplace Safety and Prevention Services and Workplace Safety North.
Mining compliance initiatives
July: Storage, use and handling of explosives in surface and underground mines: Education, outreach, and awareness phase is from July 15 to Sept. 20, with compliance support from WSN. The inspection blitz phase occurs from Aug. 1 to Sept. 30.
Specialized Professional Services Initiative
April: Respiratory protection (hygiene): Education, outreach, and awareness phase runs until Mar. 31, 2023, with compliance support from all health and safety associations, including WSN. The inspection blitz phase occurs until Mar. 31, 2023.
Employment standards in the workplace
Inspections also check that employers across the province are upholding employment standards. For example, employment standards officers inspect workplaces for minimum wage, hours of work, overtime pay, public holidays and paid vacation.
What was the Ministry of Labour?
The Ministry of Labour (UK), or Labor (US), also known as the Department of Labour, or Labor, is a government department responsible for setting labour standards, labour dispute mechanisms, employment, workforce participation, training, and social security.
What is the use of Ministry of Labour and employment?
This is an India's federal ministry which is responsible to protect and safeguard the interest of workers in general and their social security. The Ministry aims to create a healthy work environment for higher production and productivity and to develop and coordinate vocational skill training and employment.
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