TORONTO – The League of Champions (LOC) recently launched a multi-year Campaign for Safety Culture to highlight best practices and promote tools to understand and improve an organizations’ safety culture.

The campaign is supported by the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development and will focus on the behaviours, beliefs and attitudes towards safety and its value within a particular organization. Health and safety professionals often cite culture as the best way administration can support and implement a successful safety program, states a release. It can also lead to better safety outcomes.

It will feature multiple webinars, podcasts, a public awareness campaign and the launch of an auditing tool. The campaign’s goal will be to include all the tools needed to build a strong safety culture, including an audit, workplace inspection and direct safety culture measures, adds a release.

Kicking off the campaign was a webinar titled Strengthen Your Safety Culture focusing on the importance of safety culture and ways executive leadership can focus on culture the improve outcomes. The next webinar will take place on Feb. 16 and will outline how organizations can use audit tools to improve their health and safety outcomes.

“Leaders need to lead. When workers are empowered to improve their workplace safety, the culture is more dynamic and focused on safety. The leaders set the standard,” said Craig Lesurf, chair of the LOC board of directors, in a statement. “Today, we start a conversation about safety culture and how it is vital in our success.”

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