HAMILTON, ONT. – An alliance of Hamilton builders and realtors has identified six issues it believes should direct debate between voters and candidates during the current municipal election campaign.
The group, called HamiltoNEXT, includes the Realtors Association of Hamilton‐Burlington, the Hamilton‐Halton Construction Association and the West End Home Builders Association.
“Hamilton needs a mayor and council with a vision for a thriving, prosperous Hamilton and a plan to get there,” said HamiltoNEXT spokesperson Ryan Kneisz in a release. “To inform that plan, we’re asking residents and candidates to think about six specific areas of focus that are sure to #FrameOurFuture.”
The topics are:
∙ jobs – What is your plan to attract and keep good-paying jobs in Hamilton?
∙ infrastructure and transportation – What are your priority infrastructure, transit and transportation investments to support Hamilton’s prosperity?
∙ public and private sector investments – What is your plan to attract investment capital, new business and business expansion to Hamilton?
∙ housing – What are your plans to ensure adequate housing for everyone and to support thriving, affordable neighbourhoods?
∙ respecting tax dollars – What are your plans to ensure tax dollars are spent wisely in an environment where the cost of living continues to rise?
∙ sustainability and climate resilience – What is your plan to make Hamilton more resilient to the impacts of climate change?
Campaign volunteers have been representing HamiltoNEXT at community events since late August and images have been shared on social media with the hashtag #FrameOurFuture.
Hamilton voters are invited to participate though @HamiltoNEXT, or using #FrameOurFuture, across social media platforms, and to visit hamiltoNEXT.ca.
What are the election campaigns?
The election campaigns are conducted to have a free and open discussion about who is a better representative and in turn, which party will make a better government. In India, Election Campaigns take place for a two-week period between the announcement of the final list of candidates and the date of polling.
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